Thursday, February 25, 2010 is Proud to Welcome Brandon Harley Smith to the World

The Kid:
Brandon Harley Smith
6 lb, 12 oz.

Proud parents: Zac and Sarah

Cool Fact: Apparently, Sarah was wearing the Camp Unger bathrobe in the hospital. Once noticed by staff, she was immediately transferred to a private room and given an IV Milkshake. Check their blog here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Decorate A Donut Day at Jane & Georgia's Clubhouse

Back from the trip to Disney, the kids have re-named our home in honor of Mickey Mouse's flagship TV show. We now need a password to enter "Jane & Georgia's Clubhouse". (It seems that the password is always "Yellow" case u ever want to stop by.)

Sometimes, there are very specific desserts requested at the Clubhouse. And all u can do, is make 'em yourself. Here, we made some custom icing to go on the leftover donuts from the birthday party.

Check Out Our New Cousin's Blog

Meet Margaux + Maelie HERE...

Ice Road Toddlers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jane & Georgia's 3rd Brithday at Iris Cafe

Thanks to all who attended and the great folks at Iris Cafe for throwing a great party. (When was the last time a fresh-baked baguette and twin macaroons were the goodiebag at a toddler birthday?!)

For those of you who made donations in lieu of toy gifts, thank you. We've already raised a few hundred dollars for charity. If you haven't yet, why not just click through and give what you can? Every dollar counts. :)
And for those of you who brought gifts, thank you too. Don't worry. We won't return them. I've rented a storage space in New Jersey.

Make A Donation
Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls - Teaches girls of all ages how to rock.

Sunrise Day Camp - A day camp for children with cancer.

Spoons Across America - Teaches children about healthy food, nutrition and cooking.

The Great Toddler Donut Eating Contest

Check out the pics and be sure to comment below on your favorite dish served.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Disney Pics Rolling In...

These are Nikki's shots...

Also, click here for a video game featuring Jane & I that we made at Epcot...

Georgia Tears Apart a Turkey Leg